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Save The Dog - A Funny and Challenging Puzzle Game for Android - Download APK

Download Save The Dog APKCombo: A Fun and Challenging Puzzle Game

Do you love dogs? Do you enjoy puzzle games? If you answered yes to both questions, then you will love Save The Dog APKCombo, a casual puzzle game that will test your brain and your reflexes. In this game, you have to draw lines with your fingers to create walls that protect the dog from attacks by bees in the hive. You need to protect the dog with the painted wall for 10 seconds during the attack of the bees, hold on and you will win the game. Sounds easy, right? Well, not so fast. The game gets harder as you progress, and you will have to use your creativity and logic to save the doge. How to play? Let's find out.

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How to Play Save The Dog APKCombo

The gameplay of Save The Dog APKCombo is simple but addictive. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Step 1: Swipe the screen to create a wall to protect the dog. You can draw any shape or pattern you want, as long as it covers enough area to block the bees. You can also use multiple fingers to draw more than one line at a time.

  • Step 2: Wait for the bees in the hive to attack. They will fly towards the dog in different directions and speeds. You have to be quick and smart to anticipate their movements and adjust your wall accordingly.

  • Step 3: Hold your wall for 10 seconds, so that the dog will not be attacked by bees. You can see a timer on the top of the screen that shows how much time is left. If you let go of your finger before the timer runs out, or if your wall breaks or leaves gaps, you will lose the game.

  • Step 4: Win the game and unlock new levels and skins. You will earn coins for every level you complete, which you can use to buy new skins for your dog or other animals. You can also unlock more challenging levels with different scenarios and obstacles.

Game Features of Save The Dog APKCombo

Save The Dog APKCombo is not just a simple puzzle game. It also has many features that make it fun and interesting. Here are some of them:

  • A variety of customs clearance methods: You can use different strategies and techniques to save the dog, such as drawing circles, triangles, squares, curves, zigzags, etc. There is no right or wrong way to play, as long as you can protect the dog.

  • Easy and funny customs clearance patterns: You will encounter many funny and unexpected situations in the game, such as bees wearing hats, glasses, or masks, dogs wearing costumes or accessories, or even other animals joining the fray. You will never get bored with these hilarious scenarios.

  • Funny dog expressions: You will love the cute and expressive faces of your dog in the game. You can see how he reacts to different situations, such as being happy, sad, angry, scared, or surprised. You can also hear his barks, whines, or growls. You will feel like you are playing with a real dog.

  • Puzzle and interesting levels: The game has hundreds of levels with different difficulties and challenges. You will have to use your brain and your skills to solve the puzzles and save the dog. You will also face different obstacles, such as bombs, spikes, magnets, or lasers, that will make the game more exciting and fun.

  • Various skins, you could save the chicken or save the sheep: You can customize your dog with different skins, such as a husky, a poodle, a bulldog, or a dachshund. You can also change the animal you want to save, such as a chicken, a sheep, a cat, or a panda. You can mix and match different skins and animals to create your own unique combination.

How to Download Save The Dog APKCombo

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Option 1: Download from APKCombo website . APKCombo is a website that provides free and fast downloads of Android apps and games. You can download Save The Dog APKCombo from this website by following these steps:

  • Go to the APKCombo website and search for Save The Dog APKCombo.

  • Select the version you want to download and click on the download button.

  • Wait for the download to finish and then open the file.

  • Install the app on your device and enjoy the game.

Option 2: Download from Google Play Store. Google Play Store is the official app store for Android devices. You can download Save The Dog APKCombo from this store by following these steps:

  • Go to the Google Play Store and search for Save The Dog APKCombo.

  • Select the app and click on the install button.

  • Wait for the installation to finish and then open the app.

  • Enjoy the game on your device.


Save The Dog APKCombo is a fun and challenging puzzle game that will keep you entertained for hours. You will have to use your creativity and logic to draw walls that protect the dog from bees in the hive. You will also enjoy the funny and cute graphics and sounds of the game. You can download Save The Dog APKCombo from APKCombo website or Google Play Store for free. What are you waiting for? Download now and save the dog!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is Save The Dog APKCombo safe to download?

  • A: Yes, Save The Dog APKCombo is safe to download from both APKCombo website and Google Play Store. They are both reliable sources that scan the apps for viruses and malware before uploading them.

  • Q: How many levels are there in Save The Dog APKCombo?

  • A: There are hundreds of levels in Save The Dog APKCombo, with different difficulties and challenges. You will never run out of levels to play.

  • Q: Can I play Save The Dog APKCombo offline?

  • A: Yes, you can play Save The Dog APKCombo offline without an internet connection. However, you will need an internet connection to download new skins or update the app.

  • Q: Can I play Save The Dog APKCombo on PC?

  • A: Yes, you can play Save The Dog APKCombo on PC using an Android emulator. An Android emulator is a software that allows you to run Android apps on your PC. Some of the popular Android emulators are BlueStacks, NoxPlayer, and LDPlayer. You can download any of these emulators on your PC and then install Save The Dog APKCombo from APKCombo website or Google Play Store.

  • Q: How can I contact the developer of Save The Dog APKCombo?

  • A: You can contact the developer of Save The Dog APKCombo by sending an email to You can also follow them on Facebook or Twitter for updates and news about the game.


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